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Herbs, Botanicals and Wellness in Early New England

  • Shirley-Eustis House 33 Shirley Street Boston, MA, 02119 United States (map)

An online talk presented by Master Gardener Mary Lou O’Connor.

Mary Lou will showcase the growing selection of medcinal plants in the historic gardens at Shirley Place and how they were used to promote wellness and treat illnesses and injuries in early New England. She’ll also explore the ways Native American and African practitioners shared their knowledge with Anglo and European colonists to create, briefly at least, a particularly American herbal medicine cabinet or pharmacopeia.

This event is free, but we hope you can make a $10 donation to help support our mission.

Graciously co-sponsored by the Roxbury Historical Society.

October 31

Trick or Treat at Shirley Place, Halloween

April 23

Book signing with Tamsen George, author of Allegiance: The Life and Times of William Eustis