On Saturday, July 27, come take advantage of the beautiful green space at Shirley Place to spot some feathered friends!
Bird watching is on the rise in city environments, especially among young adults. It provides the perfect opportunity to spend time in nature, meditate, and de-stress. Our one acre greenspace at Shirley Place is home to a number of different bird varieties, some commonly seen in Boston and some which are harder to find in a city.
This event is for birders and birdwatchers of all skill levels, from the highly experienced, multi-continent birder to those who are curious and want to see what birdwatching is all about. At 8am, staff will provide an introduction and overview of the birds previously seen around Shirley Place to be on the lookout for, followed at 8:30am by some guided bird watching time for visitors to observe the birds’ morning calls. Coffee and donuts will be provided. The event is free, but pre-registration is required via the Eventbrite link below.
Questions? Email us at programs@shirleyeustishouse.org or call us at (617)-442-2275.